
Now & Then

I was looking through pictures on Facebook last night, and I came across these pictures my BFF Kelly took at church during Christmas.  It's hard to believe how quickly our babies have grown! 

Here are Addison, Wyatt, and Mackenzie this past Christmas:

Addison, Wyatt (obviously), Mackenzie

And from Christmas 2009:
Mackenzie, Wyatt, Addison

I know we mothers say it all the time, but oh my gracious, how does time go so quickly?  Sometimes I feel like I can hardly remember the babies in that picture; at other times, it seems like they should still be babies, not the tiny little toddler-people running around my house.

Also, how funny is it that all three basically have the same expression in both pictures?  Wyatt is excited to be sitting between two girls, and A & M look like they're in time out.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Your girls are too cute!!! xxxx

  2. Those pictures make me laugh...I love that their expressions are so similar! :) :)

    And I completely agree...one moment I'll feel like "of course my girls are still BABIES", and the next we're having a full conversation about mulch (a random fascination of late...HA!).

  3. these are too cute!!! love the expressions and their fat little cheeks!

  4. Found you via Multiples and More... this post was at the bottom of another, and I'm a sucker for cute babies!


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