
Friday Five

Some bits of randomness for Friday morning...
  1. I think I've mentioned before that one of the awesome perks of my job is a conference at the beach every year.  Usually, I attend the conference in late October (a recap of last year's trip is here).  This year, though, we have switched things around, and it seems we will be going in mid-May.  As in, next month!  This was just decided last week, so surprise!  Nealy last-minute vacation for us!  I am very excited, and enjoying a few weeks of pre-vacation dreaming.  We booked a condo at an amazing new resort, and we're finalizing the other details quickly.  I know the girls won't hold out for laying on the beach or by the pool all day, but I'm looking forward to a nice, relaxing week away.
  2. Tickets to our first Braves game of the year are on their way!  Turns out, we will be going to Atlanta for the game the Saturday before we go to the beach.  That might just be the best week ever.
  3. Addison and Mackenzie will likely be spending that Saturday night with their grandparents (Jeremy's parents).  The Braves game doesn't start until late, then we will have a 3-hour drive home when it's over.  So.....I guess my girlies will be spending their first official night away from home (they spent one night at my mom's while we were moving, but that almost doesn't count because we stayed there a lot during that time).  I don't know how to feel about that yet, but I'm handling it.  The upside is that we will get to sleep LATE on Sunday morning.  Maybe even until 9 o'clock, if I can last that long!  : )  After that, the plan is to let the girls spend the afternoon with my family while we pack for our trip.  We are planning to leave sometime after midnight like we did last time, in hopes that A & M will sleep like little angels until we get there.
  4. Enough about vacation.  Hypothetically, if I were to dream about bloggers, would it mean I'm spending too much time online?  Because, hypothetically, I might have dreamed that Marcia came to the U.S. for a visit.  It was pretty random, but hey, I'm ready to meet all of you blog-friends, so bring it on!
  5. We are expecting a major round of thunderstorms and severe weather to move through our area tomorrow.  I can't help thinking that before my girls were born, I would be spending tomorrow curled up on the couch with a good book and a few movies to watch.  I probably wouldn't even change out of my pajamas.  I can sometimes get a little wistful for those relaxing days of no responsibility, no worrying about anyone's needs but my own.  Why didn't I slow down and enjoy those days a little more?  Oh, wait, it's because before you have kids, you can't fully grasp how much they will change your life.  Yes, we all knew life would change once we were responsible for another human being (or two, three, etc.)...but there's really no way to get it until it happens!  Ah, but on the bright side, I get to watch my babies laugh, climb, crawl, and tackle their dad all day tomorrow...that's what really makes life sweet, not being lazy on the couch.  Maybe, if I'm lucky, Addison or Mackenzie will snuggle up with me for a long afternoon nap.
Happy Friday!

(Check out A & M's one-year pictures on my photographer-friend Ashley's website!  Aren't they great?)


  1. Congrats, your mini vacations are around the corner. I know you are going to have a great time.

    Great list of Friday five.

    Happy Friday and great weekend.

  2. Ha! I have such a visual of the girls sunning themselves on the beach...if only, right?

    So jealous of your sleep-over night too!!! Have fun!

  3. Great list! I loved #5. I was just thinking how I would love to spend the day tomorrow while its pouring outside on my couch. But I'm sure my girls, although sick...won't care to do that.

  4. We had the PERFECT day today .... and I had to go a client's house. Grey, rainy, cold weather...

    Pre-kids I'd also be reading and doing little else but poor D

    Hey, cool on the dream. I have "meet 10 blog friends in real life" on my life list - so far I've met 3. Maybe it's because you read about Suz and me meeting up in Scotland???

    BTW, I'd love to visit the US when these two are a little bigger

  5. Those pictures are so cute!! Oh girl I so remember how those pre-baby rainy days were. So much for that :)


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